October 10, 2014

Fashion Monday: #ChimeIn

Click the photo to be directed to Chine for Change website.

Hello my ladies (and Gentlemen too!),

Not only do I want my blog to talk about fashion, style and my personal life but my biggest thing I want it to represent is the Change that this world is trying to make. One of the changes is called Chime for Change. Chime for Change is the voice for all women around the world trying to heal, help, and bring home (I've always wanted to start an organization titled Help, Heal, Home, so I added that to my description of what Chime for Change means to me).

From healing those who are and were involved in human trafficking, helping those for a better education, and bringing home young mother's babies, and so on. Chime for Change is making it happen.

I feel empowered by this movement and want to give my voice to those who don't have one because I know how it feels to not have a voice. To feel trapped, scared and hopeless. It can be any kind of change that is healthy, positive and right for you that Chime for Change can represent.

Get involved today. Spread the word. Chime for Change.


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