October 20, 2014

FashionMondays: Sex and the City

Hello Beautiful, 

 I must share my all time fashion inspirational movie/tvshow, Sex and the City. Instead of the story line, it's the fashion line that catches my eye every single time. What Carrie wore when she first met Mr. Big, what Samantha wore when she walked down the red carpet and Miley Cyrus wore the same thing, what Charlotte wore for Carrie's wedding, or what Miranda wore when she was out in the desert riding a camel (I'm referring mostly to the movies 1 and 2 because I just finished watching it). 
Sex and the City, like to most women, is their own story. I know for myself I can relate in so many ways and I can definitely find inspirational looks for everyday life.
I love to push outside the box when it comes to fashion. I hate going by what someone says I should wear...damn it, I'm sticking to what I know and what makes me, ME. Sex and the City helps with that inspiration and determination to stay just the way I am. 

P.s I can't get over what goes on in Patricia Fields mind, one word...BRILLANT!

"When I first moved to New York I bought VOGUE instead of dinner. I just felt it fed me more." C.Bradshaw

My favorite look that I can't get off my mind, is the one where Carrie bumps into Aiden in the middle of the Middle East.
For some reason, this outfit sticks out so much for me that I have a deep longing for the exact look. Perhaps a StyleDuo (how to shop and style a similar outfit) should happen? Stay tune. 

 "Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them"

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